Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!

Today was somewhat productive.  After a hard day at work, I took my son and two 50% off coupons to Michael's.  I was able to purchase a big tub of brush soap and acrylic polymer cheaper than ordering from anywhere. He bought the polymer since he seems to use more than I do....even thou I paid for it. He has been painting with me almost every night the past few weeks.  His painting are quite good!  He has a nice the football player/coach and mom the accountant by day and artist by night.  He is either going to be very confused.....or be very successful!!
I need to do some research on acrylic skins.  I love making them!  Coming up with different ways to do them, but when I do a thicker cracks.  Not all the way thru the layer, but enough is no longer smooth.  I have worked it to my advantage, but I am wanting to learn how to do it without the cracking part for my control and variety.
Good night friends, my 3 year-old is wanting a back this hour he should be sleeping!!  Ah, the joys of being a wife, mother, employee and artist........never a dull moment!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My wire frame in progress!  I really enjoy making these!  Not sure what is going to envelope the wire, but I have several ideas....just none of them feel least not right now.

Ok, this is an experiment I am doing.  Not sure how it is going to turn out. I am thinking I may not do it is quite costly.  The fabric is 'recycled', but the acrylic ground, well, I just used a ton more than I thought I would.  I guess it depends on how the finish product looks.  I have in my head what I think it may look like....but they never turn out that way.  I just 'roll' with it and let the art direct me and how I feel at that moment decide.